Huge silver fish misses rudd record by one ounce
Mystery surrounds a specimen that came within an ounce of the UK rudd record of 4 lb 10 oz.

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Big Wayne Miller (pictured above) was convinced his 4 lb 9 oz giant was a true rudd from day ticket Coston Lakes in Norwich, Norfolk.
But pictures can’t prove conclusively what exactly the fish is as ray counts can’t be taken of the fins but a top expert believes it is a rudd-roach hybrid.
Fish ID expert Dr Mark Everard said: “It is difficult to be sure from the photos as the fins are not on display and the resolution not good, but from some of the features I would say there is a good chance it is a hybrid.
“The head-first shot confirms that the fish is quite narrow on the shoulder and body, and whilst the fish appears to have the keel that many rudd do, the mouth looks intermediate roach-rudd.
“If pushed to a personal, not a scientific, opinion, I’d say this looks like a roach-rudd hybrid, although a pretty one and a nice fish.”
Disappointment for ‘rudd’ captor
Wayne, a 35-year-old gas and oil worker from Gorlston, said: “It is disappointing to learn that it might not be a true rudd, but its still a fine specimen and I’ve never caught a silver fish anywhere near that size before.
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“I’m a regular at the fishery and if I caught it again I would take a scale for a DNA sample.
“I’m just delighted to have caught such a great specimen, so the record is immaterial.
“I’m mainly a carp fisherman but I love catching silver fish too, so where a water allows three rods, I tend to fish two for carp and one targeting other species.
“I was fishing about 60 yards out 25 yards to my right and I catapulted out a small amount of hemp with a bit of scorn, and then quivertipped a very shaved down Sticky Baits Manilla boilie hair-rigged to a size 12 hook.
“I had been catching some nice rudd between 1 lb and 2 lb 4 oz and a few roach in the 1 lb class and was just thinking of packing up as it was dark when the big fish struck.
“The bailiff who has been around a number of years had never seen anything like it, believing the largest rudd in the water were no more than 3 lb.
“I would have been happy with that catch alone but the next day I landed a lovely PB ghost carp of 24 lb on the same rod using the same method,” he concluded.
The DNA-tested claim for the British Record Fish Committee remains open for rudd now at 3 lb 12 oz, having originally been set at 4 lb 3 oz or above, but still no claims have been received for the official list.
If an angler catches a potential hybrid fish like roach, rudd or crucian they should carefully collect a scale and put it in an empty wet hook packet before sending to the BRFC.