You’ve never seen a home climbing gym quite like the one Free Solo star Alex Honnold’s built

Arctic Ascent With Alex Honnold
(Image credit: JJ Kelly, National Geographic for Disney+)

World renowned rock climber and free soloist Alex Honnold brings a whole new dimension to “taking your work home with you”.

Now a dad, he clearly needs to spend more time at his Las Vegas family pad, but that’s not going to stop him climbing at every opportunity.

Because he’s installed an indoor climbing gym in the house, and we’re no talking one wall in the back garden. He’s gone big.

The video shows off an adjustable 16ft by 12ft Kilter Board; a 12ft by 12ft Tension Board 2; a huge spray wall with a variety of wall angles and hold types; a campus board; a few hang boards; and some more mundane exercise equipment such as dumbbells, weight plates and a ping pong table (we bet he climbs on that too, though he claims table tennis is his warm up routine).

Exclusive Tour of Alex Honnold's Home Climbing Gym - YouTube Exclusive Tour of Alex Honnold's Home Climbing Gym - YouTube
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It’s not quite the same as clambering up El Capitan, but there’s only so many time you can watch Arctic Ascent With Alex Honnold on the National Geographic channel before the itch to get climbing again takes over.

However, as Gripped points out, Honnold’s impressive setup is pretty much dwarfed by Japanese comp climbing star Tomoa Narasaki’s personal training facility that's he’s has specially built in his garden. That includes three commercial gym-sized bouldering walls (with both comp-style and spray wall sets), a 60ft / 18m lead wall with eight bolt lines, a full-sized speed wall, a truck with a platform lift to make setting easier and a spacious training room with weights and exercise equipment. You can check it out below...

I got schooled by 7x World Cup winner Tomoa Narasaki - YouTube I got schooled by 7x World Cup winner Tomoa Narasaki - YouTube
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