Best waterproofing spray

For your outdoor gear to be useful it needs to be waterproof. While your tent, hiking boots, and rain jacket were all water-resistant when you got them, they will lose their rain-repelling ability the more you use them. This is particularly likely when they need to be washed.
The answer is to use a waterproofing spray to reactivate their water-resistant properties at the push of a button. These chemical compounds will effectively reseal the fabric and can even maintain the breathability of technical materials like Gore-tex. No waterproofing lasts forever so spays will need to be reapplied roughly once a year depending on use. Here are the waterproofing sprays we recommend.
Scotchgard Fabric Water Shield
Repels water when sprayed on most fabrics
This strong fabric protector repels water whether it’s sprayed. It’s ideal for reproofing outerwear, tents, backpacks, and all canvas, polyester, and nylon items. It’s simple to apply and dries clear and with no odor. The manufacturers recommend reapplying it seasonally to maintain your weather shield.
KIWI Camp Dry Water Repellent
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Waterproofs but keeps fabric breathable
Keeps water out while allowing your garment or shelter to breathe. It works well for tents, tarps, boots, hunting apparel, and outdoor gear. Treated material stays odor-free when dry. Contains silicone which bonds to leather or fabric to create a tough barrier to water.
Nikwax TX.Direct Spray-On Waterproofing
Great for technical outerwear, reviving breathability
This water-based biodegradable waterproofer is recommended for reproofing technical clothing and rain jackets including Gore-tex items. It restores DWR water repellency and revives breathability to bring your waterproofs back to usefulness after they have been washed. Contains no PFCs, VOCs, optical brighteners, or added scent.
Bickmore Gard-More Water & Stain Repellent 5.5oz
Shields against water and stains
Formulated to add a protective layer that guards against water and stains with minimal scuffing and rubbing off. The treated material is also breathable and protected against dirt. It works on leather, suede, fabric, nubuck, felt, and more. Made in the USA, it’s a good treatment for boots, clothing, jackets, and hats.
Bottom line
When waterproof gear loses its most important property - keeping you dry- it’s time to reach for the best waterproofing sprays. They are a good cost-effective way of breathing new life into your kit and ensuring it’s as useful as the day you bought it. It’s always better to be safe rather than sorry, as anyone who’s had to sleep in a leaking tent in a rainstorm will tell you. We recommend Scotchgard Heavy Duty Water Shield for most uses. It’s a basic but very effective spray act that will keep your gear sealed and you dry. Able to work on everything from boots to jackets to outdoor furniture, it’s versatile and dependable.
If you want to maintain the breathable nature of technical fabrics like Gore-tex, Nikwax TX. Direct Spray-On Waterproofing is a good choice. It will revive expensive rain jackets and restore the sort of water-repellency that sees rain roll right off.
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