Best camping gear for kids

Children love camping. What could be better than the chance to sleep under the stars and spend time outdoors getting dirty and eating toasted marshmallows? Make their time camping even more special with some camping gear that will keep them occupied and having fun even though they are away from home comforts.
Explorer sets are excellent for giving children some tools to help them have their own adventure in the outdoors. We like kits that have proper working gadgets that are child friendly so they can actually learn to start reading maps and spotting wildlife. For fun when the sun comes down, glowsticks are great. They will keep children busy for hours making bracelets and twirling them around with their friends. It also makes them easier to spot after dusk. Give them their own light source with a good headlamp. They are much easier to use than a flashlight and won’t get lost. Finally, we recommend walkie talkies. They work well enough that you will want to borrow them and are a great starting point for children’s games as well as a way of them staying in contact with you even when out of sight.
Kidz Xplore Outdoor Explorer Set
Outdoors adventures start here
This 20-piece kit is perfect for junior explorers keen to get their first taste of outdoor adventure. It has a working compass to help with map reading, binoculars for bird watching and a full bug catcher set comprising magnifying glass, containers, butterfly net, tweezers and more. Sturdily made it will keep kids occupied for hours and teach them how to enjoy being away from screens too.
PartySticks Glow Sticks Party Favors 100pk
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Fun after dark and surprisingly creative
Glow sticks make nights magical for kids when they’re camping. This party pack has 100 easy-to activate, non-toxic glow sticks in multiple colours. Simply snap and shake to light, these eight inch sticks will glow brightly for 10-14 hours. Connectors are included so you can make them into wearable bracelets, necklaces and chains. Hours of creative, collaborative night time fun.
GearLight LED Headlamp Flashlight S500 [2 Pack]
Hard to lose and long lasting
Headlamps are great for kids, giving them a powerful personal light to illuminate where they are looking which is much less likely to get lost than a handheld flashlight. Powered by three AAA batteries, these LED lights will run for 45 hours on low and 3 hours on high. Durable enough to be dropped and water-resistant, they have seven modes including a red beam, strobe and low light.
Huaker Kids Walkie Talkies
The most fun way to stay connected
Walkie talkies come into their own for kids when camping. This set of three will work over a distance of three miles with multiple channels. Background noise is muted automatically to help with clear communication. They also feature a built-in flashlight, LCD screen, scan function and call with button lock. A great way for kids to have fun and also stay safely in contact with you.
Bottom line
Give your children some unforgettable memories with great camping gear that they will love playing with and using. We recommend the Kidz Xplore Outdoor Explorer Set for over-5s to help them get away from screens and engage with the wonders of nature. This kit has child-friendly versions of outdoor gadgets that actually work so they can learn a lot from the 20-pieces it contains.
Walkie talkies are great fun and will delight any child when they start chatting with their friends and siblings. We like the Huaker Kids Walkie Talkies. They are also useful to have on a campsite and mean you can stay in touch with what they’re up to even if they stray out of your sight.
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