Angler's Mail
Running from 1964 until 2020, Angler's Mail was the UK's leading weekly magazine devoted to coarse fishing, telling readers everything they needed to know about which fish to catch, where to catch them, and what kit they needed to do it. Now, loads of the magazine's expert advice can be found on, as a helpful resource for angling newcomers and experts alike.
Latest articles by Angler's Mail

How to make a balsa waggler fishing float
By Angler's Mail last updated
Want to make your own fishing float? There’s nothing quite like catching fish when using your own creation.

How to tie the perfect knotless knot for hair rigs
By Angler's Mail last updated
The knotless knot used to confuse loads of anglers, thinking that it's nonsense. "What... a knot... with no knots?!"

How to get the best out of split shot and weights on your line
By Angler's Mail last updated
Coarse angler Colin Mitchell is your guide to those little weights that make a big difference!

How to pick the very best swim on a well-stocked fishery
By Angler's Mail last updated
Fish are not evenly spread at day ticket lakes. We'll help you catch more with this quick guide.

How to choose the right float for stillwater fishing
By Angler's Mail last updated
Here's a look at which type of float to use on a stillwater in different situations.

How to select the right pole floats
By Angler's Mail last updated
Selecting the correct floats can be the difference between winning and losing in match fishing.

Fishery owner warns of 'rude and nasty' carp rustlers
By Angler's Mail last updated
A veteran day ticket lake owner assaulted by fish rustlers has warned other venues and anglers.

How to get the most out of Method feeder fishing - top tips
By Angler's Mail last updated
Method feeder fishing has helped anglers of all ages and abilities achieve massive catches on commercial still waters.

How to make a wormery
By Angler's Mail last updated
Worms are a devastating year-round bait for all kinds of fish... so why not make a wormery?

How to catch carp on a budget with method feeder mix
By Angler's Mail last updated
Method feeder mixes for attracting and catching carp really don't need to cost a fortune.

Fish bubbles – what to look for and what they really mean
By Angler's Mail last updated
Dr Ian Welch explains what those bubbles really are that appear when you're out fishing.

River Lea chub record rocked with this 8 lb 1 oz giant
By Angler's Mail last updated
Den Poole tempted one of the biggest chub of the season.

Latest figures highlight the risk of drowning for anglers
By Angler's Mail last updated
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents is warning anglers to be safe after a string of fishing related deaths.

Fishery owner jailed for shooting otter in landing net
By Angler's Mail last updated
Lyons Gate owner who shot an otter dead in front of horrified day ticket anglers is serving time in prison.

First authenticated 50 lb carp caught from the Thames
By Angler's Mail last updated
Nick Helleur sets a new River Thames carp record.

Gigantica lives up to its reputation for impressive giant carp
By Angler's Mail last updated
Huge carp have been feeding in France and England, and Luke Cornelius tempted this 81 lb 12 oz giant.

Big River Trent barbels caught in two quick spells
By Angler's Mail last updated
Tony Mayhew smashed his barbel PB four times while matting nine fish including six stunning winter 'doubles'.

Urban fishing challenge – is this the ultimate angling mission?
By Angler's Mail last updated
An angler is on a 12-month challenge to catch a fish from every London borough – and all by using public transport.

Huge catfish - full story of the 286 lb colossus
By Angler's Mail last updated
This freshwater colossus, around 286 lb of hard-fighting catfish, has been admired around the world.

Carp star Adam Penning explains how he got stolen gear back
By Angler's Mail last updated
A top carp angler explains how he managed to recover valuable and sentimental tackle.

Drowned carp angler’s family call for awareness of cold water shock
By Angler's Mail last updated
A heart-broken family of a carp angler who drowned has warned of the dangers of not wearing a lifejacket.

Record barbel river restoration gathers momentum
By Angler's Mail last updated
The Environment Agency has completed ten years of barbel conservation work to restore the Great Ouse.

Four perch over 4 lb prove Hanningfield Reservoir's true potential
By Angler's Mail last updated
Specimen angler Charlie Coppolo made the truly stunning haul.
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